He has authored a number of other books, two of which are featured in this website:
The How and Why of Jewish Prayer and A Stone Speaks- the Voice of the Kotel.
His forthcoming books are featured in the Coming Soon tab.
The Author speaks five languages including Russian, Hebrew, English, Yiddish and a smattering of French is well qualified to have written Who Were the Krymchaki[1] as his personal background includes being the President (since 1982) of the First Brotherhood of Crimean Jews of America. His Krymchaki lineage extends back several centuries. His father and paternal grandparents made Aliyah in 1920 from Crimea. He has done extensive research both in America and in Israel on the Jews of Crimea and maintains contacts with some of the remaining Krymchaki in the former Soviet Union as well as those in Australia, United State, Canada, France, and Israel. His cousins Misha (Beit Shemesh) and Leonid Izmerli (Simferopol) continue to provide him with additional source material and validation of the historical basis for this book.
[1] Rabbinic Jews tracing their lineage back to the remnants of the Bar Kochba Revolt who settled in Crimea
The How and Why of Jewish Prayer -- for Men & Women; Arba Kanfot Press, 731 pgs., 2011. A new comprehensive guide to Jewish prayer, answering the ‘how’ and ‘why’ of Jewish Prayer in a user-friendly and in-depth format”. This Halachic guidebook to prayer, is a veritable encyclopedia packed with useful information for the beginner as well as for the practiced Davener.
A Stone Speaks – the Voice of the Kotel – 271 pages, Hard Covered Book. Publication date, November 2014 by Mosaica Press ; distributed by Feldheim Publishing. This volume chronicles the history of the Kotel Ha’Ma’aravi (The Western Wall), as told by one of the huge stones that make up the Wall. “This book”, says the Stone, “is an outpouring of the flood of images that have filled my mind over the past twenty centuries. No camera has ever been invented that can capture all that I have seen and experienced. I have encountered the full spectrum of happenings--- from the sad, heartbreaking and distressing to the happy, joyful and lively -- that have marked the years”.
From Palestine to America and Back Home to Israel
This autobiographical volume tells the story of a boy, born in a tiny Yishuv 85 years ago. His growing up, his family’s “vacation” in Europe and its escape to America the week World War II started.
The Sharon Preiser Memorial Book
An anthology which includes vignettes about his departed daughter from family and friends.
He has completed other books, yet to be published:
My Amazing Stories & Musings
Here are ten unbelievable stories that might challenge your opinion of strange, possibly weird happenstances. All the stories below are true. Some may be coincidences. Statistically, these unusual stories are almost incredible yet they happened. Some events are so eerie they compel us to question whether life is really haphazard or is G-d orchestrating something supernatural for us. Either way, draw out inspiration from these stories for they have the potential to transform your life.
Who Were the Krymchaki – A Vanishing Rabbinic Sect
The author is a direct descendant of a long line of Krymchaki- a Rabbinic Jewish ethnic and linguistic society dating back at least to the time of the Bar Kochba revolution (132–135CE). This rapidly vanishing remnant of the Jewish people settled in Crimea, a peninsula (now part of the Ukraine) bordering on the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. Jews were brought to the Crimean peninsula by the Greeks to populate the fertile coast of the Black Sea at least two centuries.
B.C.E. Whatever their origins, these Jews together with the later arrivals formed the so-called Krymchaki, the first type of Jews to live in Crimea.
My Writings- The Power of the Pen - a collection of hundreds of essays on Jewish religious issues, op-ed articles, speeches and lectures delivered on Jewish issues relating to Soviet Jewry, Pro-Israel activism; letters and stories.
He is the process of writing:
Concepts in Judaism- An Introduction – A selected compilation of Biblical, Halachik, Talmudic ideals, principles, thoughts and practices drawn from Tanach (Torah, Prophets and Writings), Mishnah, Talmud, Codes of Jewish Law, Midrash, and Apochrypha incorporating Jewish Ethics and Customs.
Israel Rubin, an octogenarian, continues to research and write, despite his advanced age drawing on his life experience. His educational background includes a Degree in Engineering from The Cooper Union and a Master’s Degree from M.I.T in Finance and Industrial Management has worked with Returnees to Judaism (Ba’alei Teshuva) for more than 20 years. His Torah background includes Mesivtah Chaim Berlin. An observant Jew he now lives in Beit Shemesh with his wife. His children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren all live in Israel.