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Top Customer Reviews

Dear Israel: 

What a wonderful book: “A Stone Speaks”.  Your research and writing amaze me. As a former history major, I know I will enjoy reading your insightful history of the Wailing Wall. Best wishes for a happy and peaceful New Year. Sam

 Samuel Yedid, Esq. | Lazer, Aptheker, Rosella & Yedid, P.C.
225 Old Country Road | Melville, NY 11747


What an unusual concept! I just received your book in the mail. How it speaks to me--straight from the Yossi Gmazu's words which you quoted on the introductory page. This is simply a wonderful and sensitive way to present history, which many times is not grasped by a student.


Thank you for writing this and for sharing it with me. I look forward to reading it as soon as possible. May Hashem give you strength to continue to produce in an inspirational manner.   Rachel


Dr. Rachel Levmore

Rabbinical Court Advocate

Agunah and Get-Refusal Prevention Project

Int'l Young Israel Movement in Israel


I am loving your book – A Stone Speaks

erev tov Israel, I want to tell you that I am truly enjoying your book

and am finding it amazing and so so so original! what a unique idea you came up with I have a really hard time with history and I can never stay with a book very long when there is history involved but your book is absolutely so so special that I am just enjoying myself, and learning so much at the same time. It is simply wonderful is there a plan to translate it into Hebrew. I think there would be an audience. Your book is a real gem/how do you go about learning so much and keeping it all available to be used when you need it.???? wishing you lots of hatzlacha in all you do just wanted to let you know

Yasher koach gadol

Miriam Simon




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