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“From Palestine to America and Back Home to Israel –is my autobiography. I was born in a tiny Yishuv 85 years ago in British Mandate Palestine. I grew up in Kiryat Chaim, a tiny settlement of ten families surrounded by somewhat hostile Arabs and wildlife. My surroundings consisted of malaria infested swamps, sand dunes, a railroad stop, and a tormenting environment of insects, rodents, animals, birds, and plants.  Come and share my feelings and experiences as I am thrust into a life of struggle and sacrifice - a boy from a tiny village in Palestine to a major American metropolis. In between our European - company sponsored- vacation turned horrifying towards the end of summer 1939. My alarmed parents sought to flee Paris under the French threat of mobilizing all foreign nationals.  The stress was overwhelming. Racing against the mobilization date, my agitated family boarded the last available cabin on the Queen Mary headed for America.  World War II detonated.  The stunned world traumatized millions”.  


The cumulative effect of so many negative events forged in the crucible of his formative years taught him resilience from failures and fortified his motivation to excel. These difficulties and hardships attendant on a way of life of a poor orthodox Jewish boy is told in a poignant manner—at times comical, at times heart wrenching.  The vicissitudes surrounding his integration into everyday life in a new country with a new language was daunting for his parents and older sister, but especially scary and overwhelming for him. How he overcame those difficulties and hardships is a stirring, exciting and stimulating story. His successful struggles, resolve and determination through education and interpersonal relations are a story worth reading.










Coming Soon...


  • Hardcover: 430 pages

  • Publisher: Arba Kanfot Press;

  • Language: English

  • ISBN-13: 978-965-91618-2-9

  • Product Dimensions: â€‹â€‹8.6 x 6.2 x 1.2 inches

  • Shipping Weight: 2 pounds

  • Average Customer Review:

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